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Road Trains Picture Index.

Transport in the Northern Territory is a unique method, where the prime movers pull two or three trailers behind them. The axle configuration is mostly a three axle set up or as we call it a "tri axle" setup.
The two axle set up is know as Bogey. The tri-axle configuration has twelve tires (6 on each side) that is legal to carry up to twenty tonnes of freight. Each trailer is coupled to the next trailer by what is called a dolly. A dolly is mostly a bogy axle setup (two axles) with the trend now heading to the more popular tri-axle configuration. The dolly's themselves have their own turntable making them a self tracking unit.

The maximum length of a three trailer is a mammoth 53.5 metres long with a maximum height of 4.5 metres. A fully loaded tri-axle road train with triple trailers can carry a mammoth 115.5 tonnes of freight.
Trucks in Australia come in different forms ranging from a normal semi trailer, to a double (road train with two trailers), a "b" double (which has a different sized trailer and a different hook up set up) then you have the triples (three trailer configuration), which is the biggest of them all and the longest.
The makes and models of trucks vary from the different brands such as Kenworth, Western Star and Mack the most popular prime movers. The trailors vary with refrigerated units, tankers, general freight containers and flat top trailers with many more made to order depending on the freight to be moved.
To drive a road train you first need to obtain a special licence class "MC" (Multi-combination)


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Road Trains
Prime Movers
Semi Trailors
Trailors and Dollies
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Western Star Prime Mover.jpg
Prime movers Index Click Here
or the Thumbnail picture.
Toll Transport Car Carrier.jpg
Semi Trailers Index Click Here
or the Thumbnail picture.
Trailor and Dolly.jpg
Trailor and dolly configerations Index Click Here
or the Thumbnail picture.

Bulk Haul Road Train. Kenworth Primemover.jpg
Tipper Road train.
Kenworth Prime mover.
Shell Road Train.Mack primemover.jpg
Shell Tanker Road train. Mack Prime mover.
John Bain Road Train.Kenworth Primemover.jpg
Refrigerated Road train Kenworth Prime mover.

Toll Transport.Mack primemover.jpg
General Freight trailers.
Mack Prime mover.

Collex's Western Star.jpg
Collex liquid waste Western Star primemover attacted to three liquid tanker trailors.

Jeff Gilberts Mack Titian.jpg
Jeff Gilberts Transports Mack Titian with three tautliner traliors.
Scarcellas Kenworth.jpg
Scarcellas Kenworth heading out of Darwin
Titan Road Train. Mack primemover.jpg
Cement tanker.
Mack Prime mover.

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